EV Solutions Group has produced a handy one-page checklist to help leaseholders assess the viability of installing an electric vehicle charger in their car parking space. Whilst the public charging infrastructure is improving all the time, it can be expensive, especially for rapid DC charging.

Ultimately, it is far far cheaper and more convenient if you can charge your electric vehicle at home and EV Solutions Group is committed to making electric vehicle charging to as many leaseholders as possible.

The reality for most leaseholders is that they will be unlikley to be able to install personal electric vehicle chargers and will need to initiate a communal scheme to make this happen.

Our basic checklist is availble to download EVSG Leaseholder Guide to EV

This is a fantastic resource for property managers to use when being asked by individual leaseholders about getting an electric vehicle charger. It provides you with the ability to respond quickly to these requests and puts the onus back on the leaseholder to make this happen (usually via a communal scheme benefitting all leaseholders).